2011 Policies and Procedures

Adams- Policies and ProceduresLecture The notes I give in class are geared to highlight main ideas.  I do not receipt the entire book for notes-  It is the student’s responsibility to use lecture and reinforcement activities to enhance the reading.  Student’s are encouraged to take notes from lecture and reading in a composition book that may be used during the final exam.  Test and QuizzesQuizzes are usually announced, but not necessarily.  It is imperative to stay on top of the material at all times.  Tests are always announced and are given at the end of every Chapter.  You can anticipate a test when the end of the chapter is near.  Students that are absent for quiz may be given an essay format quiz on the day they return. All tests and quizzes are curved.  The way I curve is the third highest score in all of my classes sets the curve.  It becomes the 100% .  If the top three scores are a 100, 98 and 92, the 92% becomes a perfect score and everyone else will divide their score by this number.  If you had a 78% it is now a 78/92= 85%.  This encourages students to stretch their minds, without blowing everyone out of the water.  It also encourages them from not sharing answers with other classes as it will raise the curve.  I rarely lower the curve below 90%Quizzes are worth 20% of overall class grade  Tests are worth 35% of overall class grade

Lab reportsAlthough we will be doing many experiments and investigations, students are not required to do a formal write up on every one.  Student’s are required however to submit three formal lab reports each card marking period.  The choice of labs submitted is the choice of each student individually.  Failure to have one lab turned in by the progress report window will result in a temporary zero.  This zero can be erased if three labs are turned in by the card marking deadline.  Students are encouraged not to wait until the end to try to get three labs completed.   The proper lab format MUST be followed.  Labs are the ONLY papers I expect to be 100% neat and formal.  These are your results that you would be submitting to an employer.  Students may redo a lab report if the score is low.  A maximum grade of 78% can be achieved on a redo lab.  Student’s may opt to do a fourth lab which will cause the lowest of the 4 grades to be dropped.  If the first two lab reports are 88% or better the third lab can be omittedAlthough labs are performed as a group, each person in the group must submit their own report in their own words.  Identical or nearly identical labs will result in a shared grade.  All students will be graded on lab performance.  It is everyone’s responsibility to participate as an active member in the lab experiments.  Each student will start with 100% in lab performance and this percent will decrease if effort is not put forth.  Performance points are at my discretion and ARE NOT open to discussion.  Make sure you look engaged, cooperative and busy at all times!Lab reports count for 30% of overall class grade and are comprised of one performance grade and 3 formal lab report write ups.  A missing lab creates a serious drop in grade- do the math!  It is a rarity to pass with two missing labs   Homework-  Homework is practice.  Failure to practice rarely results in good grades.  All homework will be discussed the following day.  Sometimes it will be collected for a grade, sometimes it won’t.  I do not discuss this in advance.  Although the more people I see slacking the more apt I am to grade it.  Homework that is corrected in class must be corrected with a red pen that I have distributed.  Any other writing utensil that is out during checking will result in a zero on the paper.  I will only accept homework that is completed in blue or black ink or pencilHomework counts for 15% of overall class grade. I expect students to keep binders and papers organized neatly.  If there is a discrepancy between my gradebook and the scores on student’s paper I will most certainly correct the score, if they have the paper to prove it.  No proof, no change! Late/missing/absent work I do not accept late or missing work.  If the situation is extenuating (hospitalizations, or a major crisis etc.) please bring it to my attention for evaluation.  An absent folder is maintained in the classroom.  It is the student’s responsibility to seek the folder for assignments, items that were turned in and upcoming events they missed.  It is their responsibility to label their work as absent and turn it in without my prompting.  If a worksheet is missing from the folder- it is their responsibility to ask me for another.  Any work not turned in on the day following an absence will be deemed missing (following school policy- one day for each day absent)    Missing work is the number one cause of failure in this class!ELECTRONIC DEVICES- are not allowed.  This will be strictly enforced as a no tolerance policy.  First offense- device will be confiscated and returned the FOLLOWING MONDAY or referral for suspension.  Second offense hold phone/MP3 player (etc.) till Monday and a referral . Third offense- pick it up at the end of the semester and a referral !!!  There is no reason whatsoever to have these devices out.  All rooms have a clock and I have a bin of basic function calculators if needed.  Game playing on calculators will result in calculator being deprogrammed down to basic functions. Grades may be monitored online 24/7 through the MOST- blackboard websitehttp://bb.misd.net   See handout or website on how to access gradesMy website     www.kimadams.comHome email- Mrskadams@comcast.net  

I have read the policy and procedures for Mrs. Adams Chemistry Class.  A copy of these policies will be kept in student folder

   ________________________Student signature         __________________________Parent Signature